
Hummell (’14) Signs Letter Of Intent With Mount St Mary’s



Caroline Hummel (6’1”, F, St Patrick, 2014) of Sarnia, ON has signed her National Letter of Intent to attend the Mount St Mary’s of the NCAA’s Northeast Conference in the Fall of 2014.

“Pure excitement knowing that I’m going to a university that I really wanted to go to with a great basketball program and great people,” said Hummell about her decision about the commitment. “All the stress has been lifted off my shoulders.”

Hummell is an offensive minded Forward that possesses a number of ways to score the ball from the perimeter or from the Post. She is also comfortable from midrange which establishes herself as a scoring threat from many places on the floor, providing her with several options that defenses have to respect. She is strong and has a good I.Q., and therefore makes good decisions with the ball.

Although she would like a couple extra inches to help make her life a bit easier (and which player wouldn’t?), she makes the most with what she has.

“I’m not that big so, I have to play big,” she said, realistic about what she brings to the table. “I’m small for my position, but I like to really rely on my strength and aggressiveness inside to help me out. I’m also very comfortable shooting from the outside and attacking the net from the perimeter. I just feel that my versatility is really going to help me in my transition into a D1 system.”

The charismatic High School Senior, who has visions of helping the Mountaineers win a conference title and make some noise at NCAA’s March Madness, will also be looking to get the most out what she can accomplish in the classroom as well while she’s there.

Currently sporting a 94% average in school, academia was front and center in her decision to attend The Mount.

“Being a really strong student, I wanted to go to a school that had a great academic reputation, and Mount St Mary’s has that. Their really well known for their bio psychology program, which is what I look to Major in.”

Because proximity wasn’t a factor, Hummell was open to a range of schools that had shown interest. Colgate, Davidson, Niagara and Seton Hall were all being considered before finally making her decision.

“In all honesty, I was looking for something that wasn’t right near where I lived because I’m pretty independent and I wanted to get out and get a new experience. Mount St Mary’s is far enough away that I’m getting that independence but it’s not to far that my family can’t come down every once in a while.”

Other factors that helped to sway her decision included the Mountaineers style of play and the beauty of the campus itself, nestled in a hillside of the Catoctin Mountains.

Also important, was the chemistry she was able to form with the Coaching staff and future teammates.

“I like to joke around a lot, which is another reason why I was attracted to Mount St Mary’s, because Coach Witt and the Coaching Staff are really fun loving. There serious when it comes to basketball, but at the same time they like to crack jokes and have fun like I do.”

Among her teammates next Fall she will also join fellow Ontarian, Amira Giannattasio as a part of the same entering Class.

Having fallen in love with the game since Grade 5 playing with the Huron Lakers, shortly after her mother who played at the collegiate level introduced her to the sport, there have been many have had a hand in her development to this point. All of whom she was like to say thank you to.

“Every single coach that I‘ve had over the years has made me a better player,” she said in appreciation for their effort with her. “I’d like to give a shoutout to my high school coach Ed Dragan for putting up with me for the four years, and my JUEL coaches Tally Tatti and Tony Mosca.”

“And, I cant’ forget about the A-Game Coaches for a great summer,” she wrapped up by saying, grateful for the AAU platform she was given. “Phenomenal basketball experience and I’m truly grateful for it.”


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