
Rose Classic Standouts – 2017



On the weekend of September 23-24, 2017, the guys from the Rose Classic were gracious hosts to a handful of Canadian teams in Brooklyn, NY.

Here are just a few of the standouts that caught my eye on this NCAA viewing period weekend:

Mya Iriah, Toronto Matrix – Type of Guard that looks to push the pace of the game and doesn’t shy away from attacking the basket; will improve her completion percentage on drives to the basket, by completing with the either hand as appropriate.

Dahomee Fourgues, Dawson – A Guard/Wing with lots of energy nd a decent knack for anticipating rebounds; has a decent shooting touch and should be a welcome fit in many situations at the next level.

Marley Bonnick, Sister’s Keepers – Strong, solidly built player that appeared comfortable playing Guard and Forward positions; Competitive minded, will not shy away from trying to turn momentum in her team’s favour.

Latasha Lattimore, Crestwood – Posses good back to the basket post moves and plays well with team’s Point Guards in situations such as pick-and-roll; one of the names to become very familiar with for the future.


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