BUZZ: Mairead Dunn Is Headed To St FX for 2013-2014

On February 5, 2013, the St. Francis Xavier University X-Women announced that they have secured their first recruit for the 2013-2014 season in 6’4″ Post, Mairead Dunn.
“We have a focused approach to adding players to our team and we were in need of a tall, talented post player and Mairead is exactly who we were looking for”, said X-Women Head Coach, Augy Jones.
Liking the skill set that she already has and will be bringing to his team, Coach Jones also thinks highly of the potential a player Dunn will develop into.
“She has an excellent shooting touch, is a willing passer from the post, and has the ability to block shots without fouling on defense. Most importantly, Mairead has a passion for basketball and is committed to improving her game within our program. This is a perfect fit for both the Dunn family and the X family.”
Dunn, who attended and played for St Christopher Catholic Secondary School in Sarnia, ON, will round out the remainder of her high school days, improving upon her game with the St Clair JUEL rep team.
St FX, located in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, is currently in third place in the 8-team AUS division, sporting an 8-6 record.