Two In The Key (TITK) Scouting Service is Canada’s premier NCAA certified recruiting service. And, with the rise of the level of play in Canada, it is THE widely trusted source for analysis on this country’s top female players.
This subscription provides your staff with a details of players across Canada until June 30, 2025, and features the following:
- Player analysis
- Tangible and intangible on-court skills analysis
- Evolution of the players’ game (where available)
- Areas for player improvement
- Recruiting news update
- Players’ post secondary interests
- Player commitments
- Academic updates (where applicable)
- Upcoming player event whereabouts,
- Discounts to CROWN Scout events,
- Video access,
- News on Canadians in the NCAA Player Portal,
- …and much more.
We look forward to having you as a subscriber!

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