Holy Names Wins 2013 University of Windsor Tournament

On September 23, 2013, the Holy Names Knights defeated the John McGregor Panthers to win the 2013 University of Windsor High School Tournament.
Holy Names, of Windsor Ontario, won all three games they played in the 8 team tournament by 10 points or less, demonstrating the tough grind the team faced in order to claim the title.
“We came out, not really knowing what to expect. We knew we’d have to play a tough team, St Anne’s in the second round (if we got past the first team). We played some tough teams…we played well”, said Knights’ Senior, Carly Steer.
And, even though Steer believes winning a tournament such as this one was a big boost to the team’s confidence level, she remains grounded in analyzing that the season is still very young, and that there are still some growth areas for her team.
“We still have so much more time, it’s early in the season. We’re going to get better. We’re going to improve for sure.”
After defeating the John Paul II Panthers of London, Ontario in the first round by a score of 55-47, the Knights had to prepare themselves for a St Anne Saints team that they will have to battle all season long for the Windsor and Essex County district title. It was a matchup that the Knights had been looking forward to knowing this possibility, and believed they had the right strategy in order to get the job done.
“What we always expect from St Anne’s: There going to run hard. They’re going to be tough, physical games. We just had to be physical with them.” Steer went on to also mention that her team’s plan was to “not let them take us out of our game. Stay in what we believed in and push the tempo.”
In that tightly contested second round game against St Anne’s, Holy Names found themselves down 26-16 at halftime and needed all of Steer’s 9 Second Half points to out last the Saints by a 37-33 Final to advance to the Gold Medal game.
In the Gold Medal game against the the McGregor Panthers, the Knights had to switch up the way they would approach the game. The Panthers are led by Bridget Carleton, a dominant 6’2″ player that is comfortable playing all positions and has the ability to take over games. But Steer and the Knights were ready to disrupt Carleton early, and not let her find any rhythm offensively.
“We definitely frustrated her. She couldn’t get her first couple shots up. We had her pressured, she could barely dribble at the top. Ayoleka [Sodade] was all over her, pressuring the ball,” said Steer of the great job teammate Ayoleka Sodade did on the defensive end to create havoc for Carleton, who just this past summer represented her country at the FIBA Americas Cadette Tournament.
“She got frustrated,” felt Steer about Carleton’s uncharacteristic troubles scoring the ball. It was an opportunity her team had to take advantage against their Finals’ main adversary, “She couldn’t make a couple of shots, started turning over and we took advantage.”
In the end, the Knights were able to take advantage of that tactic, claiming the 2013 University of Windsor High School Tournament title.
Holy Names received contributions from several players, but it was the the contribution of Sophomore Forward, Arianna Milani who created problems in the paint, the athleticism of Sodade, and the veteran poise of Steer, the eventual Touarnament MVP, that proved to be the winning combination at this event. It will certainly be a combination to watch for as the Windsor and Essex County District County season continues to unfold.
Individual Awards
Tourney MVP – Carly Steer
All-Star – Bridget Carleton
All-Star – Ayoleka Sodade
First Round
Holy Names 55 – John Paul II 47
St Anne’s 44 – Usuline 13
John McGregor 48 – Northern (Sarnia) 24
Mother Teresa (London) 43 – General Amherst 41
Championship Second Round
Holy Names 37 – St Anne’s 33
John McGregor 50 – Mother Teresa 40
Consolation Second Round
John Paul II 32 – Ursuline 22
Northern 46 – General Amherst 38
Consolation Final
Northern 40 – John Paul II 31
Bronze Medal Game
St Anne’s 57 – Mother Teresa 38
Gold Medal Game
Holy Names 44 – John McGregor 34
Analysis has been updated on the following players’ profiles:
Amanda Milanis
Carly Steer
Erika DiLoreto
Lindsay Elliot
Nicole Tamm
Sarah Thompson
Akuluel Anyoun
Ayoleka Sodade
Hannah McLounie
Anastasia Barbuzzi
Arianna Milani
Brielle Loebach
Nicole Bus