Canadian National Age-Group Assessment Camp List – Dec 2013

On December 12, 2013, Canada Basketball released the list of invites for their National Age-Group Assessment Camp.
This year’s camp is to take place again at Humber College in Toronto, ON from December 16-20, 2013, as it did last year, and is the preliminary stage of the Canadian National Junior (U18) and Cadette (U17), 2014 teams’ selection process.
This year’s list features 40 girls that have been asked to attend and demonstrate their skills and learn in on and off-court sessions, from which a select few will be asked to attend more formal tryouts in the New Year.
The camp will practically feature the complete Canada Basketball female Coaching staff, including last summer’s Head Coaches, Carly Clarke and Rich Chambers and their full respective Cadette and their Junior Coaching staffs. The camp will also include Senior Women’s National Team Head Coach Lisa Thomaidis and Development Team Head Coach, Fabian Mackenzie providing input and leading portions of sessions at various times.
Denise Dignard, Director or Canada Basketball’s Women’s High Performance, said via press release, that the Coaching Staff is eager to get in the gym with their hopefuls to steer them on the path to great expectations.
“We are excited to hold this camp to provide athletes with exposure to our Canadian Style of Play and give them an opportunity to apply this knowledge towards the goal of becoming a world-class athlete in international basketball,” she said about her staff that is coming off of a technical summit held last week in Saskatchewan.
The attendees will be vying for spots on the Cadette National team that will be playing in the FIBA World Championships that will be held in Slovakia from June 28 to July 6, 2014 and/or the Junior National team that will be competing at the FIBA Americas in Colorado, USA from August 6-10.
National Assessment Camp Invitees
Abbrv. | Team | Abbrv. | Team |
MP | Markham Prep | LP | Lincoln Prep |
CBA | Caledon Basketball Academy | ADP | Advantage Prep |
CC | Capital Courts | MOMO | Montmorency |
CEM | Édouard-Montpetit | NP | Niagara Prep |
CP | Crestwood Prep | RCI | Royal Crown Institute |
DAW | Dawson | SFOY | Sainte-Foy D1 |
ESSL | É.S Saint-Laurent | SJSR | Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu |
EXC | Excel Prep | SLAM | Champlain Saint-Lambert |
JA | J. Addison | SSF | Séminaire Saint-Francois |
KCC | King's Christian Collegiate | SWA | Southwest Academy |
KES | King's-Edgehill School | THE | Thetford |
LEG | Legacy Prep | TR | Trois-Rivières |
LEN | Champlain Lennoxville | VAN | Vanier |
LEP | Lo Ellen Park Prep | WIN | Winnipeg Warriors |