Emily Potter Has Lots Of Reasons To Keep Working Hard

What do North Dakota State, Utah and Fairfield of the NCAA and the University of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba of the CIS all have in common? They are all interested in acquiring the services of Class of 2013, 6’5″ Center from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Emily Potter.
All with good reason.
Potter has been a dominating presence in the middle especially this past high school season, gobbling up lots of rebounds on both sides of the floor as she continues to excel at her position. She has a soft touch when completing around the basket, making defending a player of her size quite a chore.
For this past high school season, Potter has continued to show tremendous upside as a Junior, going as far as to be ranked as the number 6th ranked player in the province by a Winnipeg Coaches Poll. She was also awarded a grant by the province of Manitoba as one of the province’s “Women To Watch” back in February 2012.
Her high school team, the Glenlawn Lions had a great season overcoming adversity in order to help lead her squad to win the Varsity girls provincial title.
“My [high school] team won provincials this past year, which was really great and our provincial team, we won fifth at nationals, and that’s the best we’ve been in a while, so I’m happy that we did good.”
It was a season not without it’s share of adversity after a great start.
“We started off the season at 10-0,” recalls Potter, “and then had to play another 10-0 team, but ended up loosing that game.” The team they lost to was the Westwood Warriors. But they would eventually get a chance at revenge. “We met that team again and they were 29-0 in the semis and we beat them to go to the provincial finals. That was exciting.”
That Manitoba Provincial Championship victory, was in part possible due to Potter being able to play her game, which she describes as accomplished, but realistic in understanding that she is a work in progress.
“I’m the centre, so I just like offensive, and defensive rebounding…those are like my go to things. Those are my key things, hustling for rebounds every game and I guess just demanding with the ball on the block. I’m getting better at running the floor, and being quicker,” she admits. “I’m also trying to improve my outside game.”
Her improving strengths are some that she hopes will help her over the hump, and land a spot on the Canadian U18 Cadette team. Potter has been selected for the team’s shortlist, a position that didn’t end successfully just last summer.
“I mean last year, I was in the same position, I mean that, I made it through the first round of cuts, and then I got cut before the team went to Mexico, which was hard. But I feel that now, looking back on it, I don’t know if I’m glad that I was cut, but I think it’s definitely helped me to make me want to it like 10 times more and to know what it takes to get there this year.”
A successful Cadette experience this summer, will go quite a ways towards preparing her for a dream of hers, to play post secondary ball. The different type of competition and style of play she is now experiencing, is helping her get a better picture of the type of team situation she will excel in.
“Obviously, when I go to University I want to go and play. I don’t know if its just to play right away, but its important because every level that I’ve moved up in basketball I have done pretty well at, so I want to be able to prove that I can make it at the University level. And I really like different types of games, I’m not just set on running one type of thing. like, I do like the post game and playing down low and using your post, but I also like to run the floor and run motions and stuff like that, so I’m open to lots of things.”
Potter, who also plays school volleyball and handball tries to stay well rounded when away from the court. While still trying to decide which Business discipline should would like to major in, she does incorporate some rest and relaxation in a place and with those that can help take her mind off the game
“I like going outside like my cabin and spending time there in the summer and hanging out with friends whenever there is free time.”
Potter’s work ethic, desire to be the best and love for the game has set herself in a very good way for her Senior year. She echoed that when asked what she would like to be remembered for over this next 12 months.
“I’m harder working than everyone else and that I go for every loose ball and that I take care of the ball, but I’d say hard work, especially hustle.”
Emily Potter will be joining Team Manitoba U17s at the North Tartan Meltdown in Bloomington, MN from July 22-24, 2012.
UPDATE: August 1, 2012 – Emily Potter has announced that she has been selected for the Canadian Cadette Girls National Team