Dakota Whyte: On Schedule For Great Things

Team Ontario. Canadian Junior Cadette Team. Canadian Youth Olympic team. A one loss high school season. A second ranked rep club team. Many would enjoy a complete high school career with these accolades, but for Dakota Whyte (5’8″, PG, Advantage Titans, 2012) that was only just her last calendar year. And with a resume as filled as hers is, slowing down as she approaches her senior year, is simply not an option.
“I would describe my last year as incredibly hectic, but hectic in a good way”, Whyte reminisces, “I got the chance to travel and see the world and it was just an amazing feeling.”
Last year alone, outside of all of the interprovincial destinations, she had to he chance to travel to France, Singapore and many US States. All were experiences she won’t soon forget. But, although she is greatful for the blessings she had recieved during the experiences of the past twelve months, she is well aware of what is on the horizon entering her senior year. “I just want to make sure that its a very strong year and I am very efficient at what I want to do.” In order to do so, she will almost be left with no choice but to pick up the mantle, and assume more of a leadership role. It’s a role that she apears to welcome with opened arms. “I’ve always played under someone that was older than me, or me looking up to someone playing, but now, I just want to make sure that I lead my team[s] and do what I’m supposed to do and make sure that my game is at its highest level.” And in order to do so, this future leader is well aware that practice, practice, practice needs to be high on the priority list. Whether she is in the gym, dribbling at home or shooting in her driveway, she says “I always keep at it and make sure to keep working on my game.”
Taking a look at what is on the radar this summer, and it almost seems like a replica of how things looked last summer. “I am playing with my provincial team, Team Ontario, the U17 team. [We] plan on going to a number of American tournaments” she recalls, “we plan on going to the Nationals in August”. There certainly isn’t very much wiggle room for boredom to creep in. And considering that at some point throughout that process she will have to leave in order to attend tryouts for the Canadian Junior National team, and you then begin to appreciate just how much this 17 year from Ajax, ON has in store in the very near future.
Ever mindful of the student-athelete moniker, Whyte’s focus isn’t solely on the basketball court. “I work hard to get good grades”, she says while recognizing the importance of being an All-Star in the classroom as well. “I think I keep it quite balanced.” Dakota will look to continue to excel with her grades as she leaning heavily towards majoring in Business Studies after highschooling is complete. Three of the many NCAA D1 schools that are already in pursuit of her on court services are Marquette, Michigan and Wisconsin, each of which will be great places for her to chase her future entrprenuerial dreams. Not yet ready to make a decision on where she may wish to complete her post secondary education, she is hoping that some visits planned for later on this summer in August and September, and then again in the new year will reveal the right fit.
Anyway you look at it, with the cheering on of family and friends, and the strong self imposed work ethic, Dakota Whyte’s basketball resume will surely continue to be very impressive.